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June 2, 2022

Antagonist – what is it, who is it in cinema, literature and video games. Definition & meaning.

An antagonist is a character in a book, movie, comic book or video game who is the opponent of the protagonist and represents the negative side in one way or another.   What is ANTAGONIST – meaning and definition in simple words   In simple words, the Antagonist is a kind of anti-hero or villain that the protagonist needs to […]
June 2, 2022

Teaser – what is it and why is it needed in games, movies and advertising. Definition & meaning.

Teaser is a promotional tool that contains intriguing or teasing pieces of information that should arouse interest in the target client or push him to perform the desired action. Basically, the term teaser is used in relation to advertising companies in the entertainment industry and in Internet commerce (teaser advertising).   What is TEASER – meaning and definition in simple […]
June 1, 2022

Oligarchy – what is it and who are the Oligarchs. Definition & meaning.

Oligarchy is a term used to describe a form of government where the majority of political power is de facto held by a small part of society. Usually, people who have the most wealth, military power or political influence. The word “Oligarchy” comes from the Greek – oligos (small, few) and arkho (rule), which as a result forms – oligarchy […]
May 31, 2022

Totalitarian Regime (Totalitarianism) – what is it, features, characteristics, examples. Definition & meaning.

A totalitarian regime (Totalitarianism) is a concept of government, which is characterized by total control over absolutely all the processes taking place in the country. The concept of a totalitarian regime was finally formed in political theory after the rule of Benito Mussolini in Fascist Italy, and Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany. Until that time, totalitarian regimes existed as a […]
May 26, 2022

Protectionism – what is it, tasks, types and goals of protectionism policy. Definition and Meaning.

Protectionism is a type of economic policy aimed at supporting and developing domestic producers of goods and services through government assistance and reducing the impact of external competing challenges.   What is PROTECTIONISM – meaning and definition in simple words. Simple, clear answer: Protectionism is an economic model in which all preferences are purposefully given to domestic producers. The state […]
May 18, 2022

Casus Belli – what is it. Definition and Meaning.

Casus belli is a term used in historical science and jurisprudence, where it literally means: cause for war. Quite often, you can hear this expression in the context of justifying the start of hostilities. The term is of Latin origin: casus (case, incident, event) + bellum (war), as a result, we get “military incident” or “case of war”.   What […]
May 13, 2022

Conservatism – what is it and who are conservatives. Definition & Meaning.

Conservatism is an ideology that implies adherence to established traditions and continuity in the political, cultural, social, and religious spheres. The name of the ideology comes from the Latin word “conservo”, which literally means “preserve” or “protect”.   What is CONSERVATISM – definition and meaning in simple words.   Simple clear answer: Conservatism is the tendency of an individual, group […]
May 11, 2022

Empathy – what it is, why you need it and how to improve it. Definition & Meaning.

Empathy is the ability of one person to focus on the emotional condition of another person, and to share or feel their experiences and feelings as if they were their own.   What is EMPATHY – meaning and definition in simple words.   Simple, clear answer: Empathy is the ability of one person to understand what condition or situation another […]
May 10, 2022

Corruption – what is it, types, causes & consequences of corruption. Definition & Meaning.

Corruption is a term used to describe the process of abuse of public power for personal gain. The very word “corruption” comes from the Latin “corrumpere” – corruption, and “corruptio” – decomposition, bribery, venality, damage.   What is CORRUPTION – definition in simple words. The concept of corruption.   Simple, clear answer: Corruption is the process by which an official, […]