Culture & Religion

May 3, 2022

Paradigm – what is it, concept, idea and system of views. Definition and meaning.

A paradigm is a model of perception that contains generally accepted dogmatic ideas about an object, action, thing, or phenomenon.   What is PARADIGM – meaning and definition in simple words   Simple, clear answer: A paradigm is a set of rules, principles, and concepts that have been formed around something. The most obvious example of a paradigm is religious […]
April 29, 2022

Anachronism – what is it and where can you find it. Definition & meaning.

Anachronism is a term used to refer to something that is not in its natural chronological period of time. The word “ANACHRONISM” came to us from the Greek language, and literally translates as “against time.”   What is ANACHRONISM – definition and meaning in simple words   A simple, clear answer: Anachronism is a situation when, intentionally or unintentionally, something […]
April 13, 2022

Creationism – what is it in religion and science. Definition & meaning.

Creationism – it is a concept, which tries to explain birth life and all natural processes as something, to what attached the hand of God.   What is CREATIONISM – clear answer, meaning, definition in simple words.   Creationism — it’s pseudoscience (theory, idea), which everyone ways tries to pull up obsolete beliefs of people under modern discoveries of science, […]