Health & Psychology

August 19, 2022

Altruism – what is it and who is an Altruist. Definition and meaning.

Altruism is caring for other people without any obvious benefit to the person who cares. An altruist is a person who does kind and selfless deeds to help other people.   What is ALTRUISM – definition and meaning in simple words.   In simple words, Altruism is an act of kindness and care that does not bring tangible or intangible […]
August 17, 2022

Skepticism – what is it and who are skeptics. Definition & meaning.

Skepticism is a term that characterizes the philosophical movement, the idea of ​​which is doubts about the reliability of the information received.   What is SKEPTICISM – definition and meaning in simple words.   In simple words, Skepticism is a philosophy or a life position of a person, which consists in distrusting the knowledge or statements received. In other words, […]
July 26, 2022

Asceticism (Askesis) – what is it, religion, ideology, and lifestyle. Definition & meaning.

Asceticism (Askesis) is a term used in religion, philosophy, and secular life to define a way of life associated with voluntary abstinence from various types of pleasures. Generally, abstinence refers to sexual activity, alcohol consumption, and the accumulation of wealth. The term “Asceticism” is supposedly derived from the Greek word “askesis” which means “practice”, “training” or “exercise”.   What is […]
June 10, 2022

Occam’s razor – what is it, why is it needed and how does the principle work. Definition & meaning.

Occam’s Razor is a term used to refer to a philosophical idea or scientific principle whose task is to determine the most probable and simple explanation among many possible theories. The method or rule of Occam’s Razor states: The best and most likely explanation for an event is the simplest one. In other words, Occam’s Razor argues that the simplest […]
June 3, 2022

Childfree – what is it and why people do not want to have children. Definition & meaning.

Childfree is a term for a movement, ideology, or subculture associated with a voluntary and conscious reluctance to have children.   What is CHILDFREE – meaning and definition in simple words.   In simple words, Childfree is a social movement, the essence of which is that people voluntarily, based on internal beliefs, refuse to have children for one reason or […]
May 11, 2022

Empathy – what it is, why you need it and how to improve it. Definition & Meaning.

Empathy is the ability of one person to focus on the emotional condition of another person, and to share or feel their experiences and feelings as if they were their own.   What is EMPATHY – meaning and definition in simple words.   Simple, clear answer: Empathy is the ability of one person to understand what condition or situation another […]
May 6, 2022

Morality – what is it, norms & principles. Definition & Meaning.

Morality is a system of conditional rules of behavior in society, based on the established paradigm of perception of good and evil. In a general sense, morality is a coordinate system that allows you to direct the actions of people in such a way that the results of these actions bring benefits to all mankind. From the point of view […]
May 4, 2022

Sexism – what is it, forms, types & examples of sexism. Definition & Meaning.

Sexism is a term that characterizes the process of discrimination against one person or social group based on gender. The word “SEXISM” comes from the Latin “sexus”, which literally translates as – sex (gender identity).   What is SEXISM — definition in simple words.   Simple, clear answer: Sexism is prejudice or hostility towards people of a particular gender. In […]
May 2, 2022

Charisma – what is it & how to develop it in yourself. Definition & meaning.

Charisma is a set of certain qualities and characteristics of the human personality, which allows you to attract, charm, unite and inspire other people around you. The word “Charisma” came to us from the ancient Greek language and literally translates as “gift from God” or “gifted by God.”   What is CHARISMA – meaning and definition in simple words.   […]