Health & Psychology

April 18, 2022

Propaganda – what is it, essence, methods and who is a propagandist. Definition & meaning.

Propaganda is the popularization of political, religious, philosophical, scientific or other views. This is done through the dissemination in the media of various arguments, true or semi-true facts, rumors or outright lies in order to manipulate public consciousness. From the definition of the word Propaganda, we can conclude: Who is a propagandist. A propagandist is a person who uses propaganda […]
April 13, 2022

Deja vu – what is it, feeling and sensation. Definition & meaning.

Deja vu – is the feeling that you have been in a particular situation before. Not in a similar one, but in this one, which is happening at the moment. Everything seems familiar to you, and you even expect what should happen in the next moment. The word “Deja Vu” has French roots, and its literal meaning is “already seen.” […]