March 13, 2024

Absurdity — what it is, the concept and examples in various fields. Definition & meaning.

Absurdity is a concept that indicates a profound inconsistency or illogic in the structure of reality or human experience, often evoking reflections on the irrationality of the world and the place of humans in it.   What is ABSURDITY — concept and definition in simple words.   In simple terms, Absurdity is a situation or idea that seems contradictory, illogical, […]
February 17, 2024

Crowdsourcing — what it is, concept, essence, types, principles, and examples. Definition & meaning.

Crowdsourcing is a methodology for engaging a wide audience or community (usually via the Internet) to generate ideas, funding, complete tasks, or solve problems, allowing companies and project organizers to effectively use the collective intelligence and resources of a mass audience.   What is CROWDSOURCING — concept and definition in simple words.   In simple terms, Crowdsourcing is when companies […]
February 15, 2024

Carte blanche — what it is, its essence, examples of when and to whom it is granted. Definition & meaning.

Carte blanche is the authority or permission granted to a person or group to act at their own discretion without any pre-established restrictions or guidance.   What is CARTE BLANCHE — concept and definition in simple terms.   In simple terms, Carte Blanche is a kind of “white ticket” that gives a person or organization unlimited freedom of action or […]
February 14, 2024

Critical thinking — what it is, its principles, and how to develop it in yourself. Definition & meaning.

Critical thinking is the ability to analyze facts and arguments in a meaningful way, separating objective truth from subjective opinions, in order to make informed decisions.   What is CRITICAL THINKING — concept and definition in simple words.   In simple words, Critical Thinking is the ability of a person not to take all the surrounding information on faith, but […]
June 2, 2022

Teaser – what is it and why is it needed in games, movies and advertising. Definition & meaning.

Teaser is a promotional tool that contains intriguing or teasing pieces of information that should arouse interest in the target client or push him to perform the desired action. Basically, the term teaser is used in relation to advertising companies in the entertainment industry and in Internet commerce (teaser advertising).   What is TEASER – meaning and definition in simple […]
April 29, 2023

Artificial Neural Network: what it is, how it works, and why it is needed. Definition & meaning.

A neural network (Artificial Neural Network) is a mathematical model that mimics the structure and functioning of biological neural networks to solve various tasks such as classification, regression, forecasting, and generation. Neural networks are based on artificial neurons that are combined into graph structures and transmit signals to each other through connection weights. Through the learning process, during which the […]
May 5, 2023

The Internet of Things (IoT) – what it is and how it works, its essence, technologies, and examples. Definition & meaning.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interconnected computer devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals, or people that are endowed with unique identifiers and are able to transmit data over a network without requiring human-computer interaction.   What is IoT (Internet of Things) – concept and definition in simple terms.   In simple terms, the Internet of […]
July 14, 2023

Quintessence – what it is, definitions and examples in various spheres of life. Definition & meaning.

Quintessence is a philosophical term that has Greek roots and means “fifth essence”. This concept refers to the essence of things or phenomena, reflecting their purest, most essential aspect.   What is QUINTESSENCE – concept and definition in simple words.   In simple terms, Quintessence is a concept that describes the very essence of something, the most important aspect or […]
February 17, 2024

Crowdsourcing — what it is, concept, essence, types, principles, and examples. Definition & meaning.

Crowdsourcing is a methodology for engaging a wide audience or community (usually via the Internet) to generate ideas, funding, complete tasks, or solve problems, allowing companies and project organizers to effectively use the collective intelligence and resources of a mass audience.   What is CROWDSOURCING — concept and definition in simple words.   In simple terms, Crowdsourcing is when companies […]
March 29, 2023

Despotism – what it is, causes and signs. Who is a Despot. Definition & meaning.

Despotism is the desire for unlimited power, which is achieved regardless of the opinions and needs of others, by demanding constant and complete obedience.   What is DESPOTISM – definition and meaning in simple words.   In simple terms, despotism is the establishment and maintenance of absolute power, especially in a brutal way. In terms of a state system, despotism is […]