July 2023

July 26, 2023

Patriarchy – what it is, concepts and examples. Who is the Patriarch. Definition & meaning.

Patriarchy is a social systemic order characterized by the dominant role of men in society and the inheritance of power through the male line. It covers various aspects of life, including family, religion, politics, and economics.   What is PATRIARCHY – concept and definition in simple words.   In simple terms, Patriarchy is a social system where men have the […]
July 19, 2023

Latency – what it is, the definition and essence of the term. Definition & meaning.

Latency is a time delay between the start of an action and the appearance of its visible effect. The term is also used to refer to something that is present but still hidden or delayed.   What is LATENCY – concept and definition in simple words.   In simple terms, Latency is a term that describes the concept of delay […]
July 14, 2023

Quintessence – what it is, definitions and examples in various spheres of life. Definition & meaning.

Quintessence is a philosophical term that has Greek roots and means “fifth essence”. This concept refers to the essence of things or phenomena, reflecting their purest, most essential aspect.   What is QUINTESSENCE – concept and definition in simple words.   In simple terms, Quintessence is a concept that describes the very essence of something, the most important aspect or […]
July 12, 2023

Communiqué – what it is, examples, structure, and importance of the document in international politics.

A communiqué is an official communication or statement that is transmitted between governments or international organizations to reflect a common understanding or decision on certain issues. A communiqué is usually issued after important diplomatic meetings, conferences, or summits and serves as a record of agreed-upon points of view or decisions made. It is an important tool in international relations and […]
July 11, 2023

Congeniality – what it is, what it affects, and how to develop it. Definition & meaning.

Congeniality is a psychological term that describes natural agreement or harmony between two or more people. It means that individuals interact easily and comfortably, finding common ground in expressing their thoughts and feelings. Congeniality is often associated with qualities such as friendliness, tolerance, empathy, and openness, but it can also include similarities in interests, beliefs, or values. It is important […]