What & How

September 14, 2022

Populism – what is it and who are populists. Definition and meaning.

Populism is a type of political philosophy that focuses on the needs of ordinary citizens/people rather than the needs of the elite and the government.   What is POPULISM – definition and meaning in simple words.   In simple terms, Populism is when politicians, in their political program, use the most painful and popular among the people, ideas, and proposals. […]
September 8, 2022

Ochlocracy – what is it and why such a system of power is dangerous. Definition and meaning.

Ochlocracy is a term that defines a certain form of political structure of the state, sympathetic to terror and unmotivated violence. Like many others, this term has come to us since antiquity. The definition of the word was formed by the ancient Greek statesman, military leader and historian (wrote the General History in 40 volumes) Polybius. In his opinion: “… […]
September 6, 2022

Ergonomics – what is it, why do we need ergonomic design. Definition and meaning.

Ergonomics is a modern science based on the physiology, engineering, and psychology of how people interact with their work environment and objects. The task of this science is to provide recommendations for improving the efficiency, convenience, and comfort in the arrangement of the working environment.   What is ERGONOMICS – definition and meaning in simple words.   In simple terms, […]
September 5, 2022

Hanlon’s razor – what is it and how to use it correctly. Definition and meaning.

Hanlon’s razor is a term applied to the principle of rational and logical thinking and explanation of certain events, which consists in the following concept: “Everything that can be logically explained by elementary stupidity should not be explained by evil design.”   What is HANLON’S RAZOR – definition and meaning in simple words.   In simple terms, Hanlon’s Razor is […]
September 1, 2022

Escapism – what is it, a simple way to escape from reality. Definition and meaning.

Escapism is a term that is used to define a way to redirect a person’s attention from the unpleasant things of everyday life to more pleasant ones.   What is ESCAPISM – definition and meaning in simple words.   In simple terms, Escapism is an escape from reality, an attempt by a person to break away and hide from the […]
August 31, 2022

Bureaucracy – what is it, why is it needed and how does it work. Definition and meaning.

Bureaucracy is a term used to define an organizational or administrative system in which management is carried out according to the principle of a hierarchical structure of powers.   What is BUREAUCRACY – definition and meaning in simple words.   In simple words, Bureaucracy is a system of government or company management in which there are many departments responsible for […]
August 19, 2022

Altruism – what is it and who is an Altruist. Definition and meaning.

Altruism is caring for other people without any obvious benefit to the person who cares. An altruist is a person who does kind and selfless deeds to help other people.   What is ALTRUISM – definition and meaning in simple words.   In simple words, Altruism is an act of kindness and care that does not bring tangible or intangible […]
August 17, 2022

Skepticism – what is it and who are skeptics. Definition & meaning.

Skepticism is a term that characterizes the philosophical movement, the idea of ​​which is doubts about the reliability of the information received.   What is SKEPTICISM – definition and meaning in simple words.   In simple words, Skepticism is a philosophy or a life position of a person, which consists in distrusting the knowledge or statements received. In other words, […]
August 13, 2022

SWIFT – what is it, why is it needed and how does it work. Definition & meaning.

SWIFT is the largest international system for the secure exchange of information and making payments between banks. Literally, the term S.W.I.F.T is an acronym for the organization’s name: “Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications”.   What is SWIFT – definition and meaning in simple words.   In simple words, SWIFT is a special service that allows banks and large financial […]