
June 3, 2022

Dogma (Dogmatism) – what is it, concept and essence. Definition & meaning.

Dogma is a term that implies an unshakable belief in something, even if it has absolutely no evidence.   What is DOGMA (Dogmatism) – meaning and definition in simple words.   In simple words, Dogma is an undeniable statement, something that should not be subjected to criticism and doubt. Dogma is what you need to follow, what to believe and […]
June 3, 2022

Childfree – what is it and why people do not want to have children. Definition & meaning.

Childfree is a term for a movement, ideology, or subculture associated with a voluntary and conscious reluctance to have children.   What is CHILDFREE – meaning and definition in simple words.   In simple words, Childfree is a social movement, the essence of which is that people voluntarily, based on internal beliefs, refuse to have children for one reason or […]
June 2, 2022

Protagonist – what is it and who is it in books, films and video games. Definition & meaning.

A protagonist is a main character in a book, movie, comic book, or video game who, in one way or another, acts as a representative of the good side.   What is PROTAGONIST – meaning and definition in simple words.   In simple terms, the Protagonist is the main “nice guy” who opposes the antagonist. It should be understood that […]
June 2, 2022

Antagonist – what is it, who is it in cinema, literature and video games. Definition & meaning.

An antagonist is a character in a book, movie, comic book or video game who is the opponent of the protagonist and represents the negative side in one way or another.   What is ANTAGONIST – meaning and definition in simple words   In simple words, the Antagonist is a kind of anti-hero or villain that the protagonist needs to […]
May 4, 2022

Sexism – what is it, forms, types & examples of sexism. Definition & Meaning.

Sexism is a term that characterizes the process of discrimination against one person or social group based on gender. The word “SEXISM” comes from the Latin “sexus”, which literally translates as – sex (gender identity).   What is SEXISM — definition in simple words.   Simple, clear answer: Sexism is prejudice or hostility towards people of a particular gender. In […]
May 3, 2022

Xenophobia – what is it, the concept & essence of the phenomenon. Definition & meaning.

Xenophobia is the fear or hatred towards everything alien, new or strange.   What is XENOPHOBIA—meaning, definition in simple words   Simple, clear answer: Xenophobia is intolerance towards other races, cultures and social groups that are different from us. The clearest examples of xenophobia are: racism, Nazism, homophobia, religious extremism and sexism. Origin of the word Xenophobia: The term came […]
May 3, 2022

Paradigm – what is it, concept, idea and system of views. Definition and meaning.

A paradigm is a model of perception that contains generally accepted dogmatic ideas about an object, action, thing, or phenomenon.   What is PARADIGM – meaning and definition in simple words   Simple, clear answer: A paradigm is a set of rules, principles, and concepts that have been formed around something. The most obvious example of a paradigm is religious […]
May 2, 2022

Charisma – what is it & how to develop it in yourself. Definition & meaning.

Charisma is a set of certain qualities and characteristics of the human personality, which allows you to attract, charm, unite and inspire other people around you. The word “Charisma” came to us from the ancient Greek language and literally translates as “gift from God” or “gifted by God.”   What is CHARISMA – meaning and definition in simple words.   […]
April 29, 2022

Anachronism – what is it and where can you find it. Definition & meaning.

Anachronism is a term used to refer to something that is not in its natural chronological period of time. The word “ANACHRONISM” came to us from the Greek language, and literally translates as “against time.”   What is ANACHRONISM – definition and meaning in simple words   A simple, clear answer: Anachronism is a situation when, intentionally or unintentionally, something […]