March 13, 2024

Absurdity — what it is, the concept and examples in various fields. Definition & meaning.

Absurdity is a concept that indicates a profound inconsistency or illogic in the structure of reality or human experience, often evoking reflections on the irrationality of the world and the place of humans in it.   What is ABSURDITY — concept and definition in simple words.   In simple terms, Absurdity is a situation or idea that seems contradictory, illogical, […]
February 17, 2024

Crowdsourcing — what it is, concept, essence, types, principles, and examples. Definition & meaning.

Crowdsourcing is a methodology for engaging a wide audience or community (usually via the Internet) to generate ideas, funding, complete tasks, or solve problems, allowing companies and project organizers to effectively use the collective intelligence and resources of a mass audience.   What is CROWDSOURCING — concept and definition in simple words.   In simple terms, Crowdsourcing is when companies […]
February 15, 2024

Carte blanche — what it is, its essence, examples of when and to whom it is granted. Definition & meaning.

Carte blanche is the authority or permission granted to a person or group to act at their own discretion without any pre-established restrictions or guidance.   What is CARTE BLANCHE — concept and definition in simple terms.   In simple terms, Carte Blanche is a kind of “white ticket” that gives a person or organization unlimited freedom of action or […]
February 14, 2024

Critical thinking — what it is, its principles, and how to develop it in yourself. Definition & meaning.

Critical thinking is the ability to analyze facts and arguments in a meaningful way, separating objective truth from subjective opinions, in order to make informed decisions.   What is CRITICAL THINKING — concept and definition in simple words.   In simple words, Critical Thinking is the ability of a person not to take all the surrounding information on faith, but […]
March 28, 2023

Conspiracy Theory – what is it, and who are conspiracy theorists? Definition & meaning.

A conspiracy theory is a belief or explanation that suggests that events or situations are the result of a secret, often sinister, and usually misleading conspiracy by a group of people or an organization. Such theories often involve speculation, unsubstantiated claims, or misrepresentations of facts that are used to support the belief that there is a hidden agenda behind an […]
May 2, 2023

Reverse engineering – what it is, how it works, and why it is needed. Definition & meaning.

Reverse engineering is the process of studying and analyzing the structure, functioning and details of the components of an object, system, or device in order to identify its internal organization, principles of operation and create documentation.   What is REVERSE ENGINEERING – concept and definition in simple terms.   In simple terms, Reverse Engineering is a way of researching and […]
April 13, 2022

Deja vu – what is it, feeling and sensation. Definition & meaning.

Deja vu – is the feeling that you have been in a particular situation before. Not in a similar one, but in this one, which is happening at the moment. Everything seems familiar to you, and you even expect what should happen in the next moment. The word “Deja Vu” has French roots, and its literal meaning is “already seen.” […]
March 22, 2023

Context – what it is and what it means in literature, science, art, and politics. Definition & meaning.

Context is a term used to refer to the various factors surrounding a particular situation, object, or event. In general, context can be defined as the circumstances or conditions that give meaning to something. Depending on the context, the same object, event, or situation may have different meanings or interpretations.   What is CONTEXT – definition and meaning in simple […]
July 11, 2023

Congeniality – what it is, what it affects, and how to develop it. Definition & meaning.

Congeniality is a psychological term that describes natural agreement or harmony between two or more people. It means that individuals interact easily and comfortably, finding common ground in expressing their thoughts and feelings. Congeniality is often associated with qualities such as friendliness, tolerance, empathy, and openness, but it can also include similarities in interests, beliefs, or values. It is important […]
January 27, 2024

MILF — what it is, the essence of the slang word and examples of use. Who are milfs? Definition & meaning.

MILF is a popular slang term used to describe mature women who remain attractive and sexually desirable. Literally, this acronym comes from the phrase “Mother I’d Like to F*ck.” Although the term is quite vulgar, it is widely used in modern pop culture, has sociocultural and psychological implication, and reflects changing attitudes towards aging and sexuality in society.   What […]