Business & Politics

April 21, 2022

Fascism – what is it and who are fascists. Short and clear definition & meaning.

Fascism is a totalitarian form of government that was popular between 1919 and 1945, but became taboo after the Holocaust and the defeat of the Axis states in 1945.   What is FASCISM – meaning & definition in simple words   Before proceeding to the analysis of what fascism really is, it is necessary to understand the confusion that exists […]
April 21, 2022

Reparations – what is it, who pays them. Short and clear definition & meaning.

Reparations are compensations for damage caused to the injured party as a result of the aggressive actions of the perpetrator of this crime. Reparations should, as far as possible, eliminate all negative consequences of the wrongful act.   What is REPARATIONS – meaning, definition in simple words   Simple, clear answer: Reparations is a situation when one country attacked another, occupied […]
April 20, 2022

Kleptocracy – what is it and what does it mean. Short and clear Definition & meaning.

Kleptocracy is an informal term used to refer to a regime of government where the government is completely corrupt and is engaged in theft on a countrywide scale.   What is KLEPTOCRACY – definition, meaning in simple words.   Simple, clear answer: Kleptocracy – is the rule of thieves. A system in which officials use the country’s resources for personal […]
April 18, 2022

Propaganda – what is it, essence, methods and who is a propagandist. Definition & meaning.

Propaganda is the popularization of political, religious, philosophical, scientific or other views. This is done through the dissemination in the media of various arguments, true or semi-true facts, rumors or outright lies in order to manipulate public consciousness. From the definition of the word Propaganda, we can conclude: Who is a propagandist. A propagandist is a person who uses propaganda […]
April 16, 2022

Communism – what is it, politics and ideology. Who are the communists.

Communism is a utopian philosophical idea about the ideal economic and social arrangement of a country where equality and justice flourish. In practice, this idea is not viable and unrealizable for many reasons.   What is Communism – what does it mean. Clear answer, meaning and definition in simple words.   Simple, clear answer: Communism is the idea of ​​creating a […]