Business & Politics

August 12, 2022

Theocracy – what is it and what is the idea of this form of government. Definition & meaning.

Theocracy is a term describing a form of government based on the power of religious structures and religion in general.   What is THEOCRACY – definition and meaning in simple words.   In simple words, the Theocracy is a system of government, where all political power belongs to members of a religious cult. So, for example, the state can be […]
July 27, 2022

State terrorism – what is it, types, forms, and signs. Definition & meaning.

State terrorism is the systematic use of force and terror by the government to control the citizens of its country, or the creation and support of destabilizing processes in other states.   What is DOMESTIC STATE TERRORISM – meaning and definition in simple words.   Domestic state terrorism is a type of terror characterized by the fact that violence is […]
July 20, 2022

Embargo – what it is, how it works and why it is needed. Definition & meaning.

An embargo is an economic and political term that is used to define government policy regarding restrictions on trade with one or more countries. It can also be said that the embargo is a more severe form of economic sanctions aimed at changing the political course in a particular country.   What is EMBARGO – definition and meaning in simple […]
July 19, 2022

Sanctions – what they are, how they work & why they are needed. Definition & meaning.

Sanctions are a specific political and economic tool used by countries or international organizations to persuade a particular government of a country or a group of governments to change their public policies by restricting trade, investment, commercial activity, or other prohibitions.   What is SANCTIONS – definition and meaning in simple words.   In simple words, Sanctions are certain restrictions […]
June 14, 2022

Ideology – what it is, essence and concept, types and forms of ideologies. Definition & meaning.

Ideology is a set of doctrines, myths, beliefs, and concepts that guide a person, social movement, institution, class or large group of people. The ideology and mechanisms for its implementation can develop and exist in the political, social, cultural and other areas of society.   What is IDEOLOGY – definition and meaning in simple words.   In simple words, Ideology […]
June 2, 2022

Teaser – what is it and why is it needed in games, movies and advertising. Definition & meaning.

Teaser is a promotional tool that contains intriguing or teasing pieces of information that should arouse interest in the target client or push him to perform the desired action. Basically, the term teaser is used in relation to advertising companies in the entertainment industry and in Internet commerce (teaser advertising).   What is TEASER – meaning and definition in simple […]
June 1, 2022

Oligarchy – what is it and who are the Oligarchs. Definition & meaning.

Oligarchy is a term used to describe a form of government where the majority of political power is de facto held by a small part of society. Usually, people who have the most wealth, military power or political influence. The word “Oligarchy” comes from the Greek – oligos (small, few) and arkho (rule), which as a result forms – oligarchy […]
May 31, 2022

Totalitarian Regime (Totalitarianism) – what is it, features, characteristics, examples. Definition & meaning.

A totalitarian regime (Totalitarianism) is a concept of government, which is characterized by total control over absolutely all the processes taking place in the country. The concept of a totalitarian regime was finally formed in political theory after the rule of Benito Mussolini in Fascist Italy, and Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany. Until that time, totalitarian regimes existed as a […]
May 26, 2022

Protectionism – what is it, tasks, types and goals of protectionism policy. Definition and Meaning.

Protectionism is a type of economic policy aimed at supporting and developing domestic producers of goods and services through government assistance and reducing the impact of external competing challenges.   What is PROTECTIONISM – meaning and definition in simple words. Simple, clear answer: Protectionism is an economic model in which all preferences are purposefully given to domestic producers. The state […]